Carefully selected best works of famous artists, available in our gallery
Still life
The opportunity to enjoy art that can find beauty in the most ordinary things and create an atmosphere of calm and harmony.
Artists working in this genre strive to convey the beauty of the environment, be it forests, mountains, fields, rivers or urban views. Landscapes can be both realistic and abstract.
An image of a person or a group of people that conveys their appearance, character and mood. A portrait seeks to express not only physical resemblance, but also the inner world, personality and emotional state of the model.
An artistic movement that seeks to overcome the boundaries of reality and logic, immersing itself in the world of dreams, fantasies and the subconscious.
The main goal of the Impressionists was to convey fleeting impressions of the surrounding world, to capture the atmosphere, light and movement in the moment, and not to strive for a detailed depiction of objects.
A unique genre that embodies the desire for purity of form and spontaneity of expression. Simplicity, naivety and a childish perception of the world are the tools for creating art in this genre.
This genre allows artists to fully unleash their imagination and create new, unique worlds. It combines elements of mythology, magic, epics and heroism, creating vivid, dynamic and captivating images.
Illustration combines art and functionality. It helps convey information, reveal the plot and emotions, and make the text more accessible and attractive to viewers and readers.
Postmodernism in painting is a genre that focuses on diversity, irony, and rethinking. It rejected the elitism of art by mixing “high” and “low,” and offered a new perspective on artistic creation that emphasizes not only forms and techniques, but also cultural, historical, and social contexts. Postmodern artists continue to explore the boundaries of art, making it more open, experimental, and interactive.


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